KOP CTA Certification Training 2025

The members of Kitsap & Olympic Peninsulas Clothing & Textile Advisors are always looking for new members to join the program. Persons who are interested in sewing, quilting, and any other textile related activities are invited to participate and share their skills with the membership and the public. 


KOP CTA certification training is offered in the fall on odd numbered years. It is a six-week program, meeting once a week, with a diverse curriculum in clothing construction, textile identification, serger sewing techniques, and guest speakers with clothing and textile expertise. 


If you think you would like to be a KOP CTA, you are welcome to attend our meetings to see what we are all about.  Please contact Tracy Coolbaugh at 360-509-1027 or email tracykopcta@gmail.com  for training information or click Contact Us.